We are an Apostolic Catholic Church. We preserve the faith of the Apostles and have apostolic succession with an unbroken line of bishops from the Apostles of Jesus Christ to the present day bishops and priests. Our beliefs are based on Holy Scripture, Christian Tradition and Church Ecumenical Synods.
To learn more about our beliefs, visit the Beliefs & Principles of the PNCC page.
Holy Trinity is a member of the Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese within the Polish National Catholic Church denomination.
Organization of the PNCC
Visit the PNCC website to view a diagram of our democratic church.
Prime Bishop
The chief executive officer of the Church. He consecrates bishops, convenes synods, presides at eh Supreme Council, controls Church publication and disciple in dioceses.
Appoints priests, presides at Diocesan councils, visits parishes and confers sacraments.
Appointed by the bishop to oversee parish business as instructed by the Bishop.
The Pastor
Appointed by the bishop to oversee parish business as instructed by the Bishop.
General Synod
Convenes every four years to discuss Church matters, interpret religious teachings, select bishop candidates, and establish church policy, law and discipline. Special Synods are called when necessary.
Supreme Council
Meets annually to review Church work and to administer all business that concerns the whole Church.
Diocesan Synod
Occurs every two years after the general synod to enact laws pertinent to the diocese.
Diocesan Council
Administers business of the diocese.
Parish Meetings
Held every year to elect committee members, to call for action necessary to parish welfare and review parish reports. Special meetings may be called as needed.
Parish Committee
At least nine members-selected by the parish-serve to assist the pastor, fulfill parish and synodal resolutions, and keep record.
Beliefs & Principles of the PNCC
The beliefs of the Polish National Catholic Church are based on holy scripture, Christian tradition, and church ecumenical synods.
God is one in three divine persons: the Father, who created all; the Son, who died for our sins and rose from the dead; the Holy Spirit, who regenerates and sanctifies souls.
Jesus Christ
The son of God, who became man and died on the cross for our salvation, is always with believers who try to live according to his teachings.
Holy Spirit
The third person of the Trinity abides in the church to teach, govern and sanctify its members.
Holy communion
Polish National Catholics believe that Christ truly becomes his body and blood at the consecration. Communion is given on the tongue of the communicant and the body is dipped into the blood of Christ. Altar rails are common in PNCC parishes and are used for the distribution of communion.
The PNCC regards a humble confession of faults to Almighty God, followed by the assignment of penance and absolution given by the priest, to be the way the congregation normally obtains forgiveness of sins. The sacrament may be administered in one of two ways: public or private. Private confession is required for all members under the age of sixteen while public confession is a part of every Mass. In this form, the faithful confess their sins directly and privately to God. The entire congregation then recites the Prayer of Confession. Adults may avail themselves of private confession if they so wish. The PNCC does not believe that original sin has passed on to succeeding generations.
Kingdom of God
It is every Christian’s duty to help establish God’s Kingdom on earth through the grace and virtue of love, justice and dedication to the will of God.
Original sin
The sin of the “first parents” does not pass to succeding generations.
The soul
It is immortal and ultimately destined for eternal life with God.
Jesus Christ became man and died on the cross for our salvation
The church
The church is made up of baptized Christians who worship together, partake of the sacraments, and hear and obey the word of God.
God and nations
God wishes all nations act together in brotherhood and justice.
The PNCC is governed in accordance with its Constitution. Bishops and priests possess the authority to explain and teach the doctrinal position of the Church in matters of faith, morals and discipline. The legislative authority of the Church is vested in the general synod, the special synod, the diocesan Synod and the parish meeting. In financial and administrative matters, the parishioners possess administrative authority. Representatives elected at the annual parish meeting- confirmed by the diocesan Bishop- exercise their constitutional authority in cooperation with the pastor.
The chief legislative body is the general synod; each parish is entitled to send one delegate for each 50 active members.
Parish-owned property
Chuch property is owned by the people who purchase, build and maintain it.
Language of worship
Masses are celebrated in the language of the people, so that all worshipers can understand God’s message.
Marriage and divorce
The Church believes “Marriage is the sacrament which makes a Christian man and woman husband and wife, gives them grace to be faithful to each other and to bring up their children in love and devotion to God”. Unlike in the Roman Catholic Church, PNCC deacons are not permitted to officiate at weddings. The PNCC permits divorced people to participate fully in the Mass and to receive the Eucharist. However, the Church does not recognize civil divorce, and an annulment is required for re-marriage. Every diocese has a matrimonial commission that studies each request for marriage by persons who have been divorced. The commission presents its findings and recommendation to the bishop who makes the final decision.
Priesthood and marriage
Since 1921, bishops and priests have been permitted to marry. It is commonly believed that a married priest will have a better understanding of the marital issues facing his parishioners. The Church does not permit women to be ordained either to the diaconate or ministerial priesthood.
Birth control
The PNCC teaches that the utilization of birth control is a matter of personal judgment for husband and wife, rather than the responsibility of church authorities to instruct its members regarding issues of procreation.
The PNCC holds that human life begins at conception and thus abortion is believed to be the ending of a life that has already begun. The church does not sanction abortion.